News Archive - CN4 Partners

Folks, I started my career in education politics, and nothing has prepared me for what we are seeing in Texas right now. A self-made crisis, fomented from the Governor’s bully pulpit, impacting school districts across the state as we close out the academic year, all because Abbott didn’t get to siphon public tax dollars for

What’s the matter with Portland?

The defeat of an outspoken progressive prosecutor in Portland, Mike Schmidt, has everyone weighing in — from the Biden White House, “Progressives, we told you so on crime” to celebrity Judge Judy, “When you have elected district attorneys who don’t know what their job is, they should go find another job. Fill ice cream cones

Mail 2.0

We know how hard you work to send out direct mail to voters, from fundraising to the photoshoot to honing in on your message. With all that work, why should we settle for voters only seeing the mail piece once? At CN4, we don’t settle for just one hit in the mailbox; we meet voters

Blown away

Hi there, We don’t like to toot our own horn very often, but once a year we do a beep-beep. We brought home a record haul of 14 awards from the American Association of Political Consultants – for a total of 51 awarded over the last 11 years. While we are humbled by the recognition,

Exciting News

We wanted to share with you some very exciting news … Breann Pugnetti has been promoted to Partner and Chief Operating Officer Breann joined the firm in 2018, after a stint in the Washington State Legislature and with the House Democratic Campaign Committee on candidate campaigns. Since joining the firm, she has become a real force

What’s on your walls?

We reached out to some of our favorite politicos to ask them what their favorite piece of campaign memorabilia is, and why it’s special to them. We got back some great stories – I hope you enjoy them as much as I did. My memorabilia isn’t quite memorabilia as it’s a letter… I was 12 years

Alexa play “You Need to Calm Down”

Dear Reader, So, 32% of GOP voters believe Taylor Swift is a government asset now? I wanted to write a fun little take on this mayhem, but honestly I don’t got it. It’s so outrageous it speaks for itself. Like, are you seeing this shit? Anyway, now that Fearless leader, Joe Biden has declared the Pentagon’s psyop Super

What to Know Before You Logo

Campaigns in a way are brands, and essential to a brand is its mainstay visual: a logo. Having an eye-catching logo can set the tone of a candidate and stick in voters minds. We recently sat down with one of our communications designers, Eric Grant, to learn more about crafting political brands and logos, and

The Last Word

Happy Presidential Primary season to those who celebrate! The GOP Iowa caucus was a show of force by the frontrunner in the face of staggeringly low turnout. We’ve been crunching the numbers on Iowa and thought you might enjoy some maps that we find tell the story well. 2024 GOP Caucus Vote Share   In

2024 Election Resources Inside

Happy New Year from all of us at CN4! A new year means new elections, new candidates, and new data. Okay I admit it, I am an election nerd. And my guess is if you’re still subscribed to this list, you probably are too. So I wanted to share with you some resources that I