Washington Political Consultant - CN4 Partners

We win Washington state campaigns.

CN4 Partners’ record of success as a political consultant in Washington state is unmatched. Our partners have been winning campaigns in Washington state for decades and have worked on hundreds of races across the state.

CN4 Partners helped elect, either directly or through independent expenditure work, five statewide elected officials including two Governors, two members of Congress, more than 30 state legislators, and more than 50 local elected officials, from Bellingham to Vancouver and from Seattle to Spokane.

In addition, CN4 Partners has served as a political consultant for every major progressive organization in Washington State. Our client roster includes Fuse, Washington Education Association, SEIU 775, 925, 6 and 1199, Teamsters Joint Council 28, Washington Conservation Voters, Washington Environmental Council, #OurVotesCount, New Direction PAC, Tribal PAC, Native Women’s PAC and many others. We also have worked for the House Democratic Campaign Committee, the Washington Senate Democratic Campaign, Washington State Democrats, Kennedy Fund, Truman Fund and other party organizations.

Winning tough campaigns.  

CN4 helped SEIU and APACE communicate to API voters in two successive elections using in language communications about Gov. Jay Inslee. Our direct mail, digital, newspaper and radio campaign targeted voters in 8 different languages, including Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Hindi and Bengali.

CN4’s cutting-edge media has been employed by many independent expenditure campaigns, helping elect U.S. Rep. Kim Schrier, 5 state senators, 12 state house members, and scores of local officials. Recently, we helped the Washington Education Association re-elect Superintendent of Public Instruction Chris Reykdahl after multiple polls showed him heading for defeat.

We are the only political consulting firm to have flipped a state house seat from red-to-blue in 2020, electing State Rep. Alicia Rule and defeating Republican incumbent Luanne Van Werven. Despite a challenging election year and coming in behind in the primary, our advertising campaign helped Alicia, a Blaine City Councilmember, win her election in the competitive 42nd district.

We also won the first state house seat in the 10th legislative district in 20 years when we helped State Rep. Dave Paul defeat Republican incumbent Dave Hayes in 2018. In 2020, Rep. Paul was the GOP’s top target and we won re-election, 50.5% – 49.5%, despite Gov. Inslee losing the district.

Most wins in Whatcom County. Ever.

Over the last decade in Whatcom County we helped local Democrats retake control of government by electing a slate of progressive candidates to control the council and electing Whatcom County Executive Satpal Sidhu. We have elected more candidates in Whatcom County that all other firms combined. Our Whatcom client list includes: Whatcom County Democrats, Fair and Equal Whatcom,  County Executive Satpal Sidhu, Whatcom Prosecutor Eric Richey, Whatcom Councilmembers Barry Buchanan, Todd Donovan, Carol Frazey, Ken Mann, Satpal Sidhu and, as part of the coordinated campaign efforts, Rud Browne and Carl Weimer. We also worked for Bellingham City Councilmembers Roxanne Murphy and Pinky Vargas and Bellingham Port Commissioner Michael Shepard.